Mukkuwatta Trail

  • First bus for Mukkuwaththa from Rathnapura bus stand starts at 6.15am. 
  • It will go to Dehenakanda and you can get down at the road towards Mukkuwaththa by 7.40am.
  • Then walk about 2km to reach the trail head along the estate road. (Via the short cut).
  • Last bus from Mukkuwaththa to Rathnapura at 3.15pm. 
  • There may/may not be 4.00pm bus to Rathnapura.

Foot pathway is wide up to certain extent as this pathway is used by estate workers to go to the forest. 
Therefore this part is maintained during off season as well
Foot pathway is narrow after “Menik Ganga”  - Geththampana -Mahawali Ganga  and would be vanished among Nelu bushes in offseason. This part is cleared after starting the season. (This time it was done for February Poya Day). 
Therefore it is difficult to find it before clearance.

Total Distance from trail head at Hatharaganga Division to the point it meets Rathnapura road is 12 km. 

Foot pathway goes through peak wilderness. 
Water streams are abundant with Leeches. 
Therefore no worries about drinking water sources. 
Things may change with dry weather. We met only one leech for whole climbing.
Last climbing from base of Adam’s peak is strenuous climbing and mainly through Nelu bushes. 
Therefore better carry a torch/overhead light.
If you are reluctant to do whole climbing by one day, can spend night at Mahaweli Ganga. (Refer Trip Report). There are places closer to water streams good for night camping as well.
Not like main trails of Sri Pada (Hatton/Rathnapura and Kuruwita) no resting places with shelters at all. (Except Somarathna Ambalama).
So be prepared for the rain as well.

Udamaliboda-Deraniyagala trail has similar features with Dehenakanda-Mukkuwaththa route.

(Speacial thanks for Lakdasun site)

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